Dalam sistem penyelenggaraan hukum pidana criminal justice system maka pidana menempati suatu posisi sentral. Hal ini disebabkan karena keputusan di dalam pemidanaan akan mempunyai konsekuensi ya…
Problems of ironic justice can occur because a minor crime must be settled by the same mechanism as an extraordinary crime. The effort to reduce problems of ironic justice, some countries have de…
This research is a normative law research by using a conceptual, statute approach and case approach. In the philosophical context, the revocation of political rights has a purpose to protect publ…
Prevention and eradication of corruption in Indonesia has been done using various approaches but there is one problem that until now has not received the attention of the legislator. Permanent si…
This Dissertation is titled “Proof of the element of state financial loss on corruption”. This dissertation’s research concerning with proof of element of state financial loss on corruption…
Tindak pidana pencucian uang merupakan kejahatan yang mempunyai ciri khas sebagai kejahatan ganda bersifat follow up crime sedangkan kejahatan utamanya disebut sebagai predicate offense merupakan…
Tipe penelitian yang digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah yuridis normatif (legal research), dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach), pendekatan konseptual (conceptual app…
The title of this dissertation is "Third Party Asset Confiscation in Corruption". The research aimed was analysing a meaning of asset confiscation to a third party in corruption as provided for i…
particular with regard to the provisions of Article 44 B paragraph (1) of UU KUP, which regulates the termonation of criminal investigation in the field of taxation on the basis of tax payment al…