Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan dan menganalisis ide dasar Komisi Yudisial dikualifikasikan sebagai lembaga independen (mandiri) ke dalam lingkup kekuasaan kehakiman dalam sistem ketatan…
The research, furthermore, aims to find disputes resolution model of indigenous people in Tolaki tribes. Several approach has been applied in this research namely conceptual, statute, case and hi…
Forest has become a global concern for the great deforestation and poverty experienced by indigenous peoples living around it. This dissertation attempts to discuss and analyze three legal issues…
The existence of TRIPs agreement particularly article 27 (3) b has significant impact on agricultural field. The strengthen protection on plant varieties will enable global privatization of plant…
The main topic of this research is focusing on maladministration in issuing mining license that implicates criminal offense. This work would systematically examine as follow; (1) philosophy-base …
Pemberlakuan Undang Undang No. 37 Tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan dan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang (UUK-PKPU) sebagai lex specialis dari hukum jaminan kebendaan dan hukum perdata. Keberlaku…