The Selection and Removal of Arbitrators in Investor-State Dispute Settlement examines two essential features in investor-state dispute resolution: how arbitrators are selected and removed. Both to…
In Extradition Law, Miguel João Costa offers not only an exhaustive review of this legal area and of transnational criminal law more generally, but also innovative solutions for their reform. The…
In Counter-Terrorism Financing: International Best Practices and the Law, Nathalie Rébé, offers a new comprehensive framework for CTF worldwide and reviews the strengths and weaknesses of current…
Identity crime, which encompasses both identity theft and identity fraud, is one of the fastest growing crimes around the world, yet it lacks its own identity: there is no universally accepted defi…
Terrorism and Asylum, edited by James C. Simeon, explores terrorism and asylum in all its interrelated and variable aspects, and permutations. The critical role terrorism plays as a driver in force…
Changing Actors in International Law explores actors other than the ‘state’ in international law with a particular focus on under-researched actors or others that do not easily fit the category…
Conflicts of laws arising from injuries to rights of personality—such as defamation or invasion of privacy—have always been difficult, if only because they implicate conflicting societal values…
Legal Challenges in the New Digital Age addresses a wide range of legal issues related to emerging technologies. These technologies pose prominent legal challenges, in particular, how to wedge new …
This ground-breaking volume provides analyses from experts around the globe on the part played by national and international law, through legislation and the courts, in advancing efforts to tackle …
This book presents the first comprehensive study of international criminal jurisdiction over organized crime. Taking into account a broad range of profit-generating crimes, including human traffick…