Kerja sama pemanfaatan barang milik daerah merupakan salah satu bentuk pemanfaatan barang milik daerah, yang dilatarbelakangi karena ketiadaan atau ti- dak cukup tersedia dana dalam APBD untuk …
capital association and covenant, so to establish a Limited Liability Company (PT) must be done by 2 (two) or more persons. Likewise after PT stands and has obtained the status as a legal entity,…
The EPC Contract is the form of contract that is currently used by the contractors to take over construction work. The EPC Contract having three activities, the engineering design , procurement a…
The principle of good faith in contract law is an important issue in the study of legal science. The basis of contractual freedom, the principle of consensualism as well as the principle of bindi…
The Law of Judicial Power has not regulated the legal principles of Audi et Alteram Partem, while the rules in HIR are still vague or blurred. The dissertation research focused on three issues: T…
Kebijakan penyelesaian upaya “keberatan” pihak ketiga terhadap perampasan alat atau barang dalam tindak pidana narkotika berdasarkan Pasal 101 ayat (2) UU Narkotika yang diajukan melalui inst…
Infrastructure is among the important part of the advancement of a country. With adequate infrastructure, the economy will grow faster due to cheaper, easier and more efficient flow of trade tran…
ABSTRACT The Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) represents a long term partnership of the government and private sector. In BOT project, either the government or a private sector identifies a n…