ABSTRACT The marine resource management is a part of natural resource management, which aims to improve people's welfare. Management of marine resources has characteristics typical utilization c…
ABSTRACT This dissertation discusses three interrelated legal issues of Indonesian women migrant workers, which are: (1) the principle of state responsibility on legal protection for TKIW; (2) …
This dissertation examines three legal issues. Firstly, the legal principle of preservation of the environment in regulating the function of protected forest areas in Indonesia. Secondly, the synch…
Between land and humans have a relationship that cannot be separated, they are social, emotional, and spiritual relationships then be a basic of communalistic religious principle in UUPA. In the …
Dalam rangka mewujudkan kesejahteraan umum dan peningkatan taraf hidup rakyat, khususnya dalam usaha pemerataan pemenuhan kebutuhan pokok perumahan diperlukan peningkatan usaha penyediaan perumah…
Disertasi ini berjudul “Prinsip Hukum Kekuasaan Kehakiman pada Peradilan Tingkat Banding dalam Perkara Perdata” yang mengangkat dan meneliti permasalahan hukum, yakni : 1. Prinsip hukum acar…
-The dissertation is intended as an alternative choice for the settlement of International Humanitarian Law violations, known as a war crime. With the position of the individual as the main subje…
Tanah merupakan karunia Tuhan kepada manusia untuk diusahakan, dikelola dan dimanfaatkan guna memenuhi kebutuhannya, agar tercapai kesejahteraan atau kemakmuran bersama dengan berkeadilan. Oleh k…